Monday, 12 October 2009


ok, so i've discovered i'm not very good at IT, i'm in an IT workshop now and all i'm hearing out of the tutor is 'blah blah blog blah three w's blah blah'. i have no clue whats going on, why do computers have to be so confusing? surely they were made to make our lives easier and all i can do with one at the moment is write essays and check facebook. i really do envy those computer geeks or 'computer scientists' as they like to be known as (believe me...don't go calling them IT nerds...they do NOT like that)

i think an appropriate name for this workshop should be 'dazed and confused'...although that might be, with me, i'm more into the working of the world, you know, how its formed and what not, but maybe this whole internet thing could be good, i do like the old youtube, if you're ever on watch 'play him off, keyboard cat!', its possibly the best thing ever!!! also watch how a 5 day old baby swims like a salamander, its quite amusing and disturbing at the same time...well i guess i'll just have to see what happens, you never know, i could be the next most wanted hacker...hahaha maybe

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